For hydraulic unlocking, MIWA KW-5NDZ-1 Cylinder replacement

"Store service door cylinder replacement due to theft or loss"

The target location is the service door of a major dealer.Looking at it, it was a fire-fighting NDZ.I forgot what the structure was.I feel that there were some restrictions.


Check the structure while disassembling.A mechanism that rotates the thumbturn side when the cam is pushed with a Y-shaped plate.

Push up the switch with a lever type by water pressure

However, if the screw for fixing the cylinder does not come out, it will interfere with the plate.Since there is no screw that is just right, insert a 3mm escutcheon.It feels so good.If you do not replace the base plate of the main body with a new one, the screws for fixing the cylinder will not fit.Normally, the NDZ main chassis does not have a notch for the Y-shaped plate, so it cannot be replaced.It seems that the store manager himself did not know that there was a function for hydraulic unlocking.

Anyway, there are restrictions on new replacement with general products and cylinders, which are not common to all parts of NDZ products.

The Y-plate pushes up the internal cam. The cam can be changed depending on the hand direction.
The deadbolt has been custom extended by 50mm by welding.
Replace with U9 cylinder