Unlocking the entrance sliding door and exchanging the kitchen door knob

"Unlocking the entrance door with a key"

It looks like a detached house, but it will be dispatched after waiting for 2 hours. 40 tsubo chot with 4,000 million land is cheap!It seems that it is a second-hand purchase, but the entrance is a detached house with a nice sliding door atmosphere.

However, he wants to open the kitchen door instead of the front door.He has the key to the front door, but he seems to have never used it.

When I checked the key to the entrance, it was SEPA.When I borrowed the key and opened it, it opened normally.Apparently I just didn't know how to use it.An old type that can be opened by pushing and turning.I explained how to use it and had them understand it.

Next is the kitchen door knob exchange. Although it is a dimple of SEPA, it is said that it is equal or better, so I used the dimple knob of ALPHA in the last stock.