Installation and replacement work of lever lock with key to bedroom door

"I can't install the purchased item myself"

It was a detached property. It's relatively new, but he wanted the bedroom door on the second floor to have a lock. It seems that he purchased several types himself, but he found that none of them could be installed.

Sounds like you decided to hire a professional after all. It is a case that must be dealt with according to the situation. Was it attached with an empty lock made by Panasonic? Parts were scattered.

No matter which part you use, additional machining will be required. I will consider how to proceed with the minimum additional processing, considering the inventory parts.

I also considered Nagasawa's room lock, but decided to use the key and integrated lever handle lock for cost reasons. Additional work on the door such as engraving is minimal, but it was necessary to process a new tubular lock and attach it to the existing front. The existing holes were also hidden with an escutcheon and the work was completed.