MIWA PR.QDJ-695 Lost key, Unlocking the entrance door

"I lost my key while commuting"

I think I lost my key somewhere on the way to work. I got a reservation because I want you to come when the client comes home.

It's a narrow alley that makes it difficult to find a parking space.

When I visited the site, there was a two-lock MIWA PR cylinder on the front door, but it was only in one place for the main lock.

From the shape of the handle, it was not immediately possible to determine the name of the manufacturer. I was able to unlock it with one shot when I started working.

When I checked after unlocking, the lock set was USHIN-SHOWA QDJ-695/696. It was a property that was built about 10 years ago, but it was a cylinder set for general-purpose entrance doors from TOSTEM.