Detached house, MIWA THMUnlocking the entrance door and repair

"Do not stick to the back"

Unlocking the entrance door and request for repair.

The entrance is MIWA's THM.It's an old thumb-latch lock with a disc tumbler type.The auxiliary lock has a U9 auxiliary lock NDZ.

However, it seems that the auxiliary lock can no longer be used.

It takes unlocking work, but even Omaginai spray does not improve it.The tumbler doesn't move in the back.

Switch to work from the door scope. thumbturn does not move. "It's pretty stiff," says the client.

You can try various things, but you understand that the lock will be broken.

When the lock was broken as usual and the operation of the lock was confirmed, the auxiliary lock was out of alignment with the door frame so that it could not enter the strike.Adjust this.The main lock requires additional machining to scrape the strike side.

Cylinder replacement is not in stock for this old disc tumbler type.

Therefore, the auxiliary lock was revived, and the place where the main lock was broken was closed with an antique mekura board.