Honda HONDA Odyssey in-lock unlock

"I have in-locked at the Shinjuku Building parking lot"

It looks like an underground parking lot at El Tower near Shinjuku Station.This is a place where parking fees are high.Parking on the street is completely impossible near Shinjuku station.I had no choice and decided to enter.

When I got down to the third basement floor, there was a black Odyssey.The client was of Chinese descent.He seems to be a construction worker, but he was with a Japanese senior.

It seems that there will be enough work space.I said it was an old model, so I thought it was an M374, but it was still a 4-track MT-7.It's been 4 tracks for the first time in a while.The cylinder wasn't very dirty, but it's cleaned and lubricated.

Do you turn it in the downward direction in normal work? I forgot (I needed it once more).Carefully pick the return and you're done.