Gas station SS SHARP change machine cylinder breaking and unlocking Cosmo Oil

"Gas station change machine cylinder breaking and unlocking with internal key"

I expected it wouldn't be an easy 80,000-locks, but it was a robust changer with complex dimple keys.

It seems to be made by Sharp, but it seems that I contacted the manufacturer and received a reply that the only way would be to break it, and it seems that they requested cylinder breaking and unlocking.

There were two change machines, but it was said that one of them had the key for two. It seems that there are two cylinders.The first place is the position from the bottom, and even if you look into it, you cannot judge the number of pins well.

I will start the work of unlocking, but I do not understand the structure, so I will do it carefully.I wondered if I would shear the hinges of a robust block arm, but then the device itself wouldn't work.The machine will be replaced.Therefore, it is best to proceed so that only the cylinder replacement is required, but that point has to be cautious.

The first place took time including the setup. It took about 1 minutes, I worked carefully and finally unlocked it.Since it is a downward cylinder and drilling work from below, the pin status cannot be grasped.After somehow unlocking it, I found it to be a 40-pin dimple cylinder.

Since I understood the structure of the second place, I could easily unlock it in about 2 minutes.Surprisingly, it seems that such troubles are quite common at other gas stations that are operated and managed.It's a difficult problem to think about.

After this, it seems that the cylinder replacement work will be requested as the manufacturer's work.