MIWA PR.DAF-B5-W, Unlocking the entrance door by not carrying the key

"I forgot my keys at work."

It was an early morning request.According to the report, it is a switch type thumbturn. They said there were two locked places, but when I checked after arriving at the scene, it was only the one on the top.

It's been a while since I last used B5, but it took some time to adjust the distance from the door scope. There was a tapestry on the back of the door that was distracting.

Even though it is a DAF type, I started working and turned the lock in the opposite direction. I immediately realized that yesterday's PGF714-U1 was still in my mind, and I laughed in my heart at my own worthlessness.

My body unconsciously turned in the opposite direction from the process of unlocking PGF714 the previous day, due to the sweat flowing from the humid heat in the closed space and worrying about the time it would take to park at a coin-operated parking lot. We need to proceed with the work while thinking with more tension.