
USHIN-SHOWA Meissner Lost card key, Unlocking the entrance door

``Maybe I dropped it in a club.'' The client grumbled. ``Even though I was having fun at a club somewhere in Tokyo until the morning, I lost my card key. It's the worst.'' He was depressed. Due to a delay in identity verification, the management […]

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USHIN-SHOWA MLA MEISSNER card lock, inspection and repair due to malfunction

``I can't go out because the door suddenly stopped locking.'' I went out to use the door, but the front door wasn't locked. It seems that the door is locked and unlocked with a card key, but I was told that I had to insert the card and turn the dial to lock it. This content can be quickly […]

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USHIN-SHOWA MEISSNER (meissner) card key lock repair of locking failure

``I can't lock the door with my card key'' They reported that they couldn't lock the door with their card key. A MEISSNER lock, which was attached to USHIN-SHOWA's MLA lock case, was attached to it. The cause is […]

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