Cylinder core came out, TITAN Kwikset cylinder replacement

"Cylinder core has been completely removed, so replace the cylinder."

It was the same case as the past work results.

The cylinder core has completely fallen off, so it cannot be locked.

One of the causes is the special function of KWIKSET, but it is thought that it is the result of considerable deterioration over time.This was because the core removal prevention part (E-RING) had corroded and came off. (It's been more than 25 years since the door was in condition, but it's a little difficult for the product made in the United States. If you examine the disassembled parts, there may be a design problem. In Japan, do not design like this. prize)

This time as well, we will replace it with a KABA cylinder as in the past cases.If it is left as it is, the cylinder unit will pop out by about 5 mm, so it is necessary to remove a part of the washer and change it.

The door itself can be seen to have decayed due to deterioration over time, but you can still do your best in active duty.Still, it seems that the door needs to be replaced.