MIWA DAC-2.HBZSP2, Repair due to locking failure of the front door lock

"The door is warped and the gap is large"

According to the woman who requested it, there are times when it doesn't lock even if it is locked with a key.

I also heard that it seems to be distorted due to the gap in the door.

When I checked it on site, it was true that the gaps on the side of the door were not uniform. It seems that the gap around the strike is the largest.

It's a big gap of about 10mm. If you look closely, the distortion is on the frame side, and it is distorted in the shape of a "KU-NO-JI" as a whole.

The dead bolt is only about 2 to 3 mm, and the latch bolt does not strike at all.

I put a 3mm spacer in the strike and adjusted it. This allowed the deadbolt to enter the strike to about 6mm.The latch bolt is non-adjustable. Adjustments due to large-scale construction of the frame will be required.