WEST801 knob lock, discontinued unlocking from post without door scope

"Unlocking the entrance door without door scope"

It looks like a rather old apartment. There are quite a few complaints that there is no door scope, but there is also a misunderstanding by the requester, so there is no choice but to check on site.

There was a door knob of WEST801.The door on another floor had a door scope, but the door on this floor certainly didn't. There is just a post next to it.

It seemed possible to approach from the post to thumbturn.

However, I was also told that it is quite stiff and difficult to turn due to the fact that it is in a horizontal position and the distance is short, as well as the deterioration over time and the distortion of the door.

I tried various tools, but in the end, the direction of the force vector was wrong, and the work did not proceed as expected.

In addition, we applied pressurization such as an air bag to improve the distortion of the door, but it did not proceed as expected. I need further study.

Although there will be a cost, we have accepted your proposal for cylinder breaking and unlocking and replacement. However, we were unable to get in touch with the owner, so the work was discontinued. You will be asked to confirm at a later date.