GOAL GV.QDJ-695Unlocking the entrance door, a long-distance dispatch and a local cancellation without the person in question

"Timed Unlocking the entrance door reservation"

It was a long-distance business trip that took nearly two hours to Hadano City. There was an urgency, but it was a time designation, so there seems to be a little leeway. I called 2 minutes before my usual arrival, but the phone did not connect easily.

After calling a few times, I was finally able to connect, and when I told him that I would arrive in about 5 minutes, he said, "I'm in a different place now and will be about an hour late."

It was a GOAL GV (GRAND-V) cylinder (old model), USHIN-SHOWA QDJ-695 type.

Unfortunately, there is not much time to spare until the next site, so even when I arrived at the site, the person was not there and the cancellation was canceled. It looked like a Korean student. We will contact you separately to make a reservation.