PSDN.WD5113.FDG, repair due to cylinder operation defect

"I have the key, but it won't turn."

This is a case of inspection and repair of a malfunctioning key. The heavy rain the other day may have been the trigger.

When I checked, it was MIWA PSDN.WD5113.FDG, commonly known as "SENBEI" type cylinder set. First, perform a normal cylinder cleaning. If this does not seem to improve the situation, a full-scale cleaning of the branch will be necessary.

After cleaning the cylinder through the keyhole, the problem was improved and the lock could be unlocked. Although the dirt has not been completely removed, we decided to continue operating the system as is and see how it goes without disassembling and cleaning it. If similar symptoms occur, it will be necessary to disassemble, clean, or replace.