WEST324-S1805 (KH-AS) Sliding door lock replacement work warehouse

``I would like the lock of my work warehouse to be replaced.'' He had lost his key and hadn't locked it for the past 10 years, but now that there's been some disturbance in the neighborhood, he would like to get a new lock. I wanted something with good cost performance, so I didn't particularly choose a dimple cylinder, and instead chose a 4-pin […]

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Back warehouse Large refrigerator unlocked

``I want you to open the refrigerator because I lost the key.'' What does that mean? What is a refrigerator? As I headed to the scene, I imagined many things, but I had no idea. Apparently he's a farmer. I was guided to a building in the back. Certainly a big cold […]

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USHIN-SHOWA DAC2 Replacement of detached door knob Recycling factory warehouse

``The door knob came off, so I need to repair or replace it.'' This is a recycling factory in Kawasaki. The dust is quite heavy. All the cars in the parking lot seem to be covered in dust, so the environment is beyond imagination. Masks are essential, but how many […]

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