Unlocking the MIWA MC25 hybrid card key lock

"Lost card key, Unlocking the entrance door"

Since it is a hybrid card key lock, there was no particular problem and it was completed with thumbturn normal unlocking from the door scope.

I've never had an MC25 subject without a scope, but if I ever encountered one like that, I'd probably use a gap attack first. For the MC25, there is no security thumbturn model, and you cannot attach a thumbturn cover. It's usually a thumbturn, so the possibility of unlocking is high.

If that doesn't work, try breaking the lock on the UXNUMX cylinder, but you'll need to be very careful to break the lock on just the core while being careful about the cover. The most appropriate method would be to use a recently purchased XNUMXmm tungsten cross-cut rotary file to pull out the lock bar.