Removing MIWA PR.10PGF Key and Overhauling

"The key doesn't come off or turns"

call from the morning.It is time to go to work. There are people who come to work even during the COVID-19 pandemic, but they said that they encountered this defect when they left the front door.

10 minutes to proceed in the usual way.It turns in both directions for locking and unlocking, but the key never comes out.

(Is the tumbler or spring damaged?)

There is no choice but to disassemble and take it out.Even if it is disassembled, in order to pull out the cylinder core, the work cannot be done unless the key itself is removed.

Remove the grip handle and remove the cylinder unit.Dirt is sticking more than I imagined.

(Given the age of use, this stain and rust are unthinkable.)

The key cannot be removed immediately.After trying various things, I was finally able to pull out the key. (It was a used cylinder that was reused. Moreover, it was a cylinder part that was in a bad condition.)

Anyway, there was no damage or deformation of the spring parts, so it could be improved by persistent cleaning.