GOAL INAHO.SK, Locking failure due to falling door frame

"Lower cylinder locking failure due to door distortion"

It was a request for inspection and repair due to a lock failure. The cylinder is FUKI, INAHO LSP type. The problem was poor positioning with the strike, but adjusting it wasn't easy. The strike had an adjustable structure. However, although I tried adjusting the strike position several times and checked around the hinge and door seal, in the end the deadbolt could not fit into the strike.

There was a scratch about 2mm on the underside of the strike.

Upon closer inspection, we found that the door frame on the hinge side had sunk significantly, and there was a huge discomfort in the gap between the door and the door frame.The amount of sinking was 5 to 9 mm.In this case, even with a dedicated hinge adjustment tool, the adjustment range with the strike will be greatly exceeded.I couldn't see any cracks in the walls, but maybe it was due to poor construction from the beginning.

Possible options include adjusting the hinge height with a spacer, machining the interfering part of the strike, or reworking the mounting hole, but considering that it will continue to sink in the future, it will probably be necessary to reinstall the strike itself. The property is only 9 years old, so it is deteriorating too quickly.

Anything beyond this will require the owner's permission, which will take time. The site is quite far away, so this time I decided to have the management company arrange for a nearby joinery shop.