No worries if you have a Y-shaped screwdriver, TOSTEM QDG565+QDE703 disassembly and cleaning light work

Cylinder units in sliding doors may use Y-screws.Of course, it is necessary for disassembly and repair. I had a 100% + -shaped screwdriver processed and a smaller one.

The target sliding door this time is disassembly and cleaning of QDG565 + QDE703.To remove the cylinder, you have to remove the Y-screw.

I managed to get rid of it with my Y-shaped screwdriver, but it was about twice as small, so I repaired it while being careful not to get messed up.

I was looking for a Y-shape about # 2, but there was one ~ Amazon.

I didn't handle it before. .. .. ..

There will be no problem if there are four types.If you are prepared, you will not be worried.